Thursday, October 4, 2012

Sept 24 - NOV 5 6WKChallenge: DAY 10 & DAY 11

The last couple of days have been a flurry of activity and consisted of long stretches of not sleeping and eating at weird times.  But it was a massive amount of fun; the crew I worked with(for the upcoming indie romcom, Dry Spell) were just the coolest, nicest folks. I really can't wait for this movie to be finished so I can share the awesome.  My good friend Kyle Hoskins is one of the masterminds behind this project, and he's an awesome, great dude, so

Tuesday I got up around noon, had a huge breakfast/lunch around 1:30 PM. Snacked a bit, then when my friend came over for dinner around 8:30, I made us sweet potato fries and cube steak. I made us each like two yams worth of fries, so I couldn't even finish the meal and had leftovers. We stayed up for a while, then I went to sleep for two hours and was back up at 2:30 AM to meet back up with my friend (also an actor) and the film crew to go to location in Manhattan around 5 AM. Brought my Bag of Nuts (heh) and snacked on those for several hours.  Upon returning to my apartment, I had lunch (eggs/greenpepper/onion/bacon) while the crew shot this one scene, which took a few hours. By 4 PM I could barely keep my eyes open.

After they left, I had my leftover fries and steak, watched some Supernatural and also tried something new! Mobility Exercises! For this Challenge, NF is hosting Inter-Guild challenges, and this week's is to do 20 minutes of Mobility work a day for five days straight.  It's really perfect for me, because I don't know a lot about stretching and kind of slack off on it post-work out. Which is no good.

In a car on the way to my apartment yesterday, I was chatting with another actor and we were discussing coffee and breakfast habits. I mentioned that I eat about 4 or 5 eggs and turkey bacon/bacon etc every morning, and she says "That's like a man's breakfast!" Which just resulted in a huge mental facepalm from me.  So, a breakfast designed to fuel activity and fill you up is reserved for menfolk?! Whaa? Oh, I forgot, women are supposed to be delicate waifs unfit for anything more strenuous than cookie-baking or carrying a chihuahua (mmm cookies...).

Yesterday was a Rest Day, so no workout; today is a Light day. I have to be on location for filming at 1 PM in Manhattan, so the workout will have to wait until tonight.

Week 2 of the Challenge: So far, so good!

Oh, also, since the beginning of this challenge, I can see and feel a difference in the size of my lats.  It's kind of weird having muscle suddenly where there has never been any to speak of. Also incredibly vindicating/awesome.


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