Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Must be the weather

Felt really shitty all day and most of yesterday. Thanks a lot, Uterus. Thanks a lot. When I get my period, my hormones get wonky and I get depressed and anxious and prone to meltdowns. Plus the weather sucked today, which didn't help. And I have a migraine that keeps traipsing in and out of my brain, at random. I've never gotten migraines with my period before. What's up with that. Anywhoist, here's a little something I wrote to get the Blahs out:
Ummmm, we'll call this....I Hate Everything. Yeah, that'll work.

It’s so hard for me
to live in any kind of unity
with myself or anyone else
when at any given moment
the bottom drops and I can fall
in the middle of class
in the middle of work
Just slip and start drowning in my confusion
Me! A perfectly rational, mature adult (supposedly)
And yet so prone to inexplicable moisture
emanating from the optical area
for no apparent reason.

Hope you're having a better day than I! On the upside, I edited my work resume and am going job-hunting tomorrow. Go me!



  1. "It’s so hard for me
    to live in any kind of unity
    with myself or anyone else
    when at any given moment
    the bottom drops and I can fall
    in the middle of class
    in the middle of work
    Just slip and start drowning in my confusion
    Me! A perfectly rational, mature adult (supposedly)
    And yet so prone to inexplicable moisture
    emanating from the optical area
    for no apparent reason. "

    Love this. =o)

    Good luck with your job hunt. =o)
